Leadership Coaching for the Whole Person

Boldly Claim Your Highest PotentiaL

“Leadership is not just leading a team, it’s about being the leader of your life.”

Leadership begins with YOU.

How you manage your energy, emotions, mindset, and time all impact your ability to show up fully for all parts of your life. Together we break free of the old self-sabotaging mindsets so that you can step into your true power. My coaching programs are dedicated to helping you build your fullest life, one filled with limitless joy and freedom. We do this by:

  • Unblocking your path to success by breaking free of the negative mindsets holding you back

  • Achieving more balance across all parts of your life

  • Discovering an internal compass that guides you to follow your values and purpose

  • Expanding outside your comfort zone with playfulness, curiosity, and courage

  • Building a roadmap to reflect YOUR unique definition of success

  • Developing self-confidence to boldly share your unique gifts and talents.

WAys to work with me

  • The Mind(RE)set Program

    Renewed Mama

    Renewed Mama is a custom 1:1 coaching program for working moms. Together, we will reinvent a version of motherhood where you are fed, focused, and fulfilled. Your motherhood is always evolving and this program will teach you to thrive in all stages, be more present for all the happy moments, and be more resourced for the hard ones too.

  • 1:1 Coaching Programs

    1:1 coaching is where we get to go deep into supporting meaningful change in your life. You don’t have to do it alone! Allow me to help you get where you want to be. I will guide you to find freedom from old self-sabotaging habits, connect to your inner compass, and courageously take big leaps.

  • Life Design Intensive

    Designing a life you love requires identifying what is most important and connecting that vision to action. In this 90-minute intensive, we focus on giving you more clarity, balance, and fulfillment in your life and career. I created this offer as a way to meaningfully create change that you can implement right away!

  • “Since I started my coaching sessions with Erica, people around me notice the difference in my attitude. I carry myself with a new confidence and have a stronger self-image. Facing my fear of rejection was just one of the many benefits of my time with Erica. I look forward to continuing this journey with her as I look toward a very positive future.”

    Cindy A. (Sales Manager)

  • “Erica helped me navigate a really challenging career situation by helping me redefine success and my own role in my career. I rebuilt my confidence and discerned what specifically I am meant to do. I credit Erica with helping me center myself and stay steady throughout the job interviewing process and the final months in my previous role.”

    Hannah M. (Research Lead)

  • “Through working with Erica, I uncovered some unexpected truths about myself. I have more clarity around my goals, motivations (& procrastinations!), and I learned skills that I was able to immediately apply. Erica's coaching added great value to how I think about my career, my strengths, and my future goals!”

    Debi W. (Sr. Operations Manager)

Hi! I’m Erica

Organizational Psychologist, Holistic Leadership Coach, and Mom of 2

After 7+ years as a leader in a Fortune 200 company, I discovered that I was suffering from burnout  – much like many of the leaders I support today. 

Burnout to me was feeling unfulfilled, unhappy, and lost about what to do about it. I found my true north by focusing my life and work on what made me come alive and committing to habits that supported my well-being. I left my corporate job so that I could build a business to help women live whole, fulfilled, and purposeful lives. I have helped over 40 clients (and counting!) in creating a life and career they love. My joy and mission is to help you find yours.

Get the Free Guide!

Focused Mama: The Ultimate Guide to Designing Your Motherhood M.O.

The 5 -step process outlined in the FREE workbook and mini-training video will help you get clear on what you want to focus on, design your desired approach to life, family & work, and create time and energy for what is most important. One cannot pour from an empty cup, and this guide is here to help you fill it!